Arizona State

Arizona State

The new Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Building 1 is the first of multiple phases of research infrastructure providing laboratories and workspace as a research facility for bioengineering, neural engineering, and molecular, tissue and cell engineering. Fore Solutions, acquired by Thornton Tomasetti in 2012, were the LEED and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Labs21 program criteria evaluation consultant to Battle McCarthy.


The facility features drywells that reduce storm water runoff by 25%, reflective pavements and roofing, natural and drought resistant landscaping that reduce the site’s irrigation by 50%, waterless urinals and low-flow fixtures that reduce water consumption by 37% compared to a conventional building. A bike storage structure allows for 36% of students and staff to store their bikes on-site.


The facility is designed to use 36% less energy than a standard code compliant building. Through our efforts to push the project team to attain higher standards, the project achieved LEED Gold certification.

